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Sconnish Social Etiquette

A Guide to the Norms of Social Etiquette in the Kingdom of Scone

Welcome. As a citizen or as a visitor, you are apt to encounter any number of His Majesty's loyal subjects in the various settings in which we interact, some more frequently than others.

Perhaps more often than not, the Scones you encounter will hold some interesting ranks or titles, some of which you may be unfamiliar with. The Kingdom of Scone, it goes without saying, is a monarchy. In addition to the King and other assorted royalty, the Sconnish kingdom is populated by a variety of aristocrats, courtiers, and public officials.

You may be wondering how to correctly address the people you encounter here. This brief guide to social etiquette will help you get it right...




His Majesty King Erik II is our currently reigning monarch. His Majesty is formally styled "King of the Sconnish" (as opposed to "King of Scone") by way of indicating that he is the king of a people, and not of a territorial realm. The Kingdom of Scone is not a nation of territory, but rather a community composed of individuals who have come together, voluntarily, to form a kingdom.

The King is also styled "Emperor of All the Glennains" indicating his sovereignty over the larger Glennish Empire, of which the Kingdom of Scone is the mother realm. By "the Glennains" is meant the Kingdom of Scone and any and all other realms, dominions, colonies, or protectorates secured to the Sconnish Crown. At the moment, the Glennains are two: the Kingdom of Scone, and the Colonial Province of Glennish Hanover (a colony secured to the Crown in June of 2016). 

Spoken style: "Your Majesty," then "Sir."

Almost counterintuitively, letters addressed to the Sovereign open with "Sir," not with "Your Majesty," a common mistake. Close your letter with, "I have the honour to be Your Majesty's Most Obedient Servant, (signature)."

Domestically speaking, His Majesty the King is just that: "His Majesty the King." 

"His Majesty King Erik" would only be used in situations wherein his name must be mentioned for greater clarity (such as in the first paragraph of this section, above), but it should never be used formally or officially. 

The use of "His Majesty, Erik II," omitting "King," is altogether incorrect in any situation and should never be used under any circumstances.

In the colonies, His Majesty is typically styled "The King-Emperor" rather than "The King." His spoken styles, "Your Majesty" and "Sir," remain the same as they do in the mother kingdom. It is not correct to address the King-Emperor as "Your Imperial Majesty." 

When proposing the loyal toast, the host stands and raises his glass to eye level using the very simple forumla: "The King" (or "The King-Emperor" in the colonies), and nothing more. All respond with, "The King" (or "The King-Emperor" in the colonies), and nothing else, while likewise standing and raising their glasses. Glasses are never "clinked." It is customary, whenever possible, to intone the Royal Anthem following the loyal toast.


Dukes and Duchesses (non-royal)

Spoken style: "Your Grace," then "Duke/Duchess." 

NB: It is never correct to address a duke or a duchess as "Lord" or "Lady."

Marquesses and Marchionesses 

Spoken style: "Lord/Lady (Title)." 

For example, a peer styled "The Marquess of Lindenlea" would be addressed as "Lord Lindenlea." 

Earls and Countesses

Spoken style: "Lord/Lady (Title)."

For example, a peeress styled "The Countess of Grantham," would be addressed as "Lady Grantham."

Viscounts and Viscountesses 

Spoken style: "Lord/Lady (Title)."

Whereas the titles of dukes, marquesses, and earls (and their feminine counterparts) almost always omit their surnames and follow the preposition of, the title of a viscount (or a viscountess) is typically (but not always) his (or her) surname and usually precedes the preposition of.

For example, a viscount named John Smythe of Cranford would tend to be styled "The Viscount Smythe of Cranford," such that his title is not "Cranford" but rather "Smythe of Cranford" Note that he will not be styled "The Viscount of Cranford."

A viscount or a viscountess styled "Smythe of Cranford," therefore, would never be addressed as "Lord/Lady Cranford," but as "Lord/Lady Smythe."

NB: While a viscountess suo jure (in her own right) may be correctly referred to as "Viscountess X" as well as "Lady X," the female spouse of a viscount is always referred to and addressed as "Lady X" and never as "Viscountess X."

Barons and Baronesses

Spoken style: "Lord/Lady (Title)."

The rules are the same as for viscounts and viscountesses.


Baronets and Baronetesses

Spoken style: "Sir/Dame (first name)"

The female spouse of a baronet is entitled to the style "Lady," followed by her husband's surname.

A baronet named "Sir John Ogilvie," therefore, will be addressed as "Sir John," whereas his wife will be addressed as "Lady Ogilvie."

As the wife of a baronet does not use the style "Lady" to precede her first name, she would never, therefore, be called, "Lady Mary Ogilvie," but rather, "Mary, Lady Ogilvie." Also, the wife of a baronet is never called "The Lady Ogilvie" but only and always, simply "Lady Ogilvie."

NB: a peer or a peeress possessing a baronetcy will not be called "Sir" or "Dame" but will be styled and addressed according to his or her noble status. Only commoners who are baronets are called "Sir" or "Dame." All baronets use the lettres "Bt" after their names and baronetesses use "Btss."


Spoken style: Use their "Territorial" designation, or more contemporarily, "Mr.(Surname)." 

For example, Mr. Jordan, the 1st Laird of Glengrennock, may be addressed in conversation, traditionally, as "Glengrennock," but may also be addressed quite correctly as "Mr. Jordan."

In full, he is styled "The Much Honoured James Jordan, Laird of Glengrennock." The honourific "Esq." should not be appended to his name as the rank of esquire is inferred by the designation "of Glengrennock."

Both the female spouse of a Laird and a female Laird in her own right are called "Lady of," and both would be styled "The Much Honoured A.B., Lady of X." 

The male heir apparent of a lairdship is entitled to the style "The Younger" after his name, whereas a female heiress apparent is entitled to the style "Maid of X" following her name.


Companions and Ladies of the Most Excellent Order of Scone

Spoken style: "Sir/Lady (first name)"

The female spouse of a Companion is entitled to the style "Lady," followed by her husband's surname.

A Companion named "Sir John Ogilvie," therefore, will be addressed as "Sir John," whereas his wife will be addressed as "Lady Ogilvie." A Lady (that is to say, a female Companion) of the Order of Scone will be addressed as "Lady Mary."

As the wife of a knight does not use the style "Lady" to precede her first name in the manner of a female Companion, she would never, therefore, be called, "Lady Mary Ogilvie," but rather, "Mary, Lady Ogilvie." Also, the wife of a knight is never called "The Lady Ogilvie" but only and always, simply "Lady Ogilvie."

NB: a peer who has been knighted will not be called "Sir" but will be styled and addressed according to his or her noble status. Only commoners who are knights are called "Sir." All Companions of the Order of Scone use the post-nominal lettres "CHM" (abbreviating "Companion of His Majesty").

Grand Cordons of the Most Honourable Order of the Sconnish Poppy

Spoken style: "Sir/Dame (first name)"

Grand Cordons of the Order of the Sconnish Poppy are entitled to the post-nominale lettres "GCSP," and the rules pertaining to female spouses are identical to those of Companions of the Order of Scone, as indicated above.

Commanders of the Most Honourable Order of the Sconnish Poppy

Spoken style: "Sir/Dame (first name)"

Commanders of the Order of the Sconnish Poppy are entitled to the post-nominal lettres "CSP," and the rules pertaining to female spouses are identical to those of a Companion of the Order of Scone, as indicated above.

Imperial Companions of the Most Exalted Order of the Imperial Star of Glennain

Spoken style: "Sir/Dame (first name)"

Imperial Companions of the Order of the Imperial Star of Glennain are entitled to the post-nominal lettres "CKE," and the rules pertaining to female spouses are identical to those of a Companion of the Order of Scone, as indicated above.

Knights Banneret

Spoken style: "Sir/Dame (first name)"

Rules as above, except for the post-nominal letters, which, for a Banneret, are "Bn" (this is the Sconnish usage and does not apply in the United Kingdom, where Bannerets were not entitled to post-nominal lettres). 


Commoners who sit in Parliament are styled "Burgesses." Burgesses are not entitled to the use of "The Honourable" as a style, in the manner of American Members of Congress, a mistake sometimes made.

In conversation: "Mr./Mrs./Miss Smith"


Addressing Members of Parliament when in Parliament:

Burgesses (commons) who are members of the same party address one another as "My Honourable (or Right Honourable) friend." When a Burgess addresses another Burgess who is not of his own party, he says, "The Honourable (or Right Honourable) Gentleman/Lady opposite."  At times when there are no political parties, the latter form should not be used. 

Members of one house referring to the other house do not refer to the other house by name, but instead refer to "another place."  For example, "My Honourable friend the Member from Glennainshire will recall that, in another place, section VII of this bill proved most controversial." Obviously, this note is irrelevant when the Lords and Commons meet together in the same house.

Rules for addressing the Chair will depend upon who is sitting in it. If it is the Lord Chancellor presiding ex-officio, he is addressed as "My Lord." A peer who is a "Lord Speaker" would also be addressed as "My Lord" (even in the case of a female Lord Speaker). A commoner who is a Speaker (or who is temporarily substituting for the Lord Chancellor or for any other incumbent Speaker) is addressed as "Mr. Speaker."

When the Lord Chancellor presides, he is said to do so, not from the "Chair," but from the "Woolsack."


A Sconnish Prime Minister is correctly addressed in conversation simply as "Prime Minister," and is announced equally succinctly as "The Prime Minister" at social functions (his place card would read likewise). 

It is never correct to say "Mr. Prime Minister."


The Right Honourable the Lord Provost of Tartannac


Spoken style: "Your Worship" or "Lord Provost"

In the case of a Lord Provost, the style "Right Honourable" is attached to the office, not the holder of the office. Therefore the Lord Provost is always "The Rt. Hon. The Lord Provost of Tartannac” and never, for example, "The Rt. Hon. John Smith, Lord Provost of Tartannac." 

NB: Even in situations wherein the incumbent is personally entitled to the style "The Right Honourable," the above rule nevertheless obtains in reference to his position as Lord Provost.

Lord-Lieutenants of Counties 

Spoken style: "(My) Lord-Lieutenant," but only in his Lieutenancy. Outside of his Lieutenancy, he would be referred to by his style or title otherwise. 

For example, if a peer called "Lord Mountcastle" is Lord-Lieutenant of the County of Forth, he will be addressed as "Lord-Lieutenant" only in his Lieutenancy of the County of Forth. Apart from that capacity, however, and in every other circumstance he ought to be addressed as "Lord Mountcastle."

A female Lord-Lieutenant is also correctly addressed in conversation as "Lord-Lieutenant." 

"Lieutenant" is, in this case, correctly pronounced "leff tenant" since the office does not also exist in America, thereby permitting only the English pronunciation.

Note that the style Lord-Lieutenant is always hyphenated and that the correct plural form is "Lord-Lieutenants." 

A Lord-Lieutenant, as His Majesty's representative in a county, takes precedence over and above all other persons in the county.

Vice Lord-Lieutenants and Deputy Lord-Lieutenants 

Spoken style: "Vice/Deputy Lord-Lieutenant" 

When a Vice Lord-Lieutenant or Deputy Lord-Lieutenant is representing the Lord-Lieutenant in the County, he enjoys precedence over all other guests at any event.  

Portreeves of Boroughs

Spoken style: "Your Worship" or "Portreeve"

Envelope: The Worshipful the Portreeve of (Name of Borough)



Like most of Scone we have our own forms of address here for the Clergy. 


DeaconsCanons, Priests, Deans, Archdeacons, Priors and Abbots are all addressed as "The Right Reverend".  

Bishops, ArchBishops and Primates are addressed as "The Most Reverend" 

However, members of the Clergy are appointed by the King-Emperor himself and serve the Royal Household and Chapel. The government does not appoint any clergy members in accordance with the Assurance of Sconnish Religious Freedom Act. 


Q: What is the difference between a peerage rank/degree and a peerage title?

A: With respect to Dukes, Marquesses, and Earls (and their feminine counterparts), the title refers to the name following the preposition "of", whereas the rank (or 'degree') precedes it. The Earl of Rockcliffe, therefore, holds the rank/degree of Earl, but is titled"Rockcliffe."

In the case of Viscounts and Barons (and their feminine counterparts), however, the preposition "of" usually does not immediately follow the rank. The Baroness Crediton Regis of Breninton, for example, holds the rank of Baroness and the title "Crediton Regis of Breninton."

Q: What is a "style"?

A: By the term "style" is typically meant the combination of one's rank(s) and title(s), along with one's name and any and all other legitimate embellishments thereto.

Q: What ranks exist in the Sconnish Peerage?

A: The ranks of Duke, Marquess, Earl, Viscount, and Baron (and the feminine forms of the same) are the ranks of the Sconnish Peerage. 



Q: What are the feminine forms of the ranks of the Sconnish Peerage?


A: The feminine forms of the ranks of the peerage are, in descending order:


The wife of a peer or a female who is a peer in her own right is known as a "peeress". 

These forms are employed by the wives of male peers as well as by peeresses suo jure (in their own right).

Q: How do I know who is "Honourable," who is "Right Honourable,"and who is "Most Honourable"?

A: This can be a bit tricky at times, but let's try to make it as simple as possible, limiting the scope of the answer to present day usage in the Kingdom of Scone:

Honourable: Younger sons of earls, all sons (and their wives) and daughters of viscounts and barons (by courtesy), matrons of honour of a queen (for life), and government ministers who are not privy counsellors (during His Majesty's pleasure).

Right Honourable: All peers and peeresses below the rank of marquess, sitting members of the Privy Council, and the Lord Provost of Tartannac. 

Most Honourable: The Privy Council as a whole, marquesses, and marchionesses.

A duke, incidentally, is "Most Noble."

Q: What do I call the husband of a peeress?

A: Although female spouses of male peers share the styles of their husbands, the male spouses of peeresses do not share in the ranks and titles of their wives, and therefore may employ no titles that implies otherwise.

Q: Is it correct to address in conversation all peers and peeresses below the rank of duke or duchess as "Your Lordship" or "Your Ladyship"?

A: Not really. Those are archaic forms typically used by members of the servant class as portrayed in Victorian period dramas. The use of "Lordship/Ladyship" tends to betray an antiquarian bent as well as a lack of social refinement. It is better to always say "Lord/Lady So-and-so." 

Q: Is it proper to address the King as "Sire," "My King," or "My Liege"?

A: No, not in this day and age. Again, we are speaking of archaic and sentimental forms of address best left to Renaissance festivals or to the stage and screen. Address the King as "Your Majesty," then "Sir."  There really are no other acceptable options. 

Q: Is the surname of a peer correctly employed in his full legal style?

A: No, it should be omitted, unless his name and his title are one in the same, of course, but in such a case it should be shown only as his title and not as his surname. 

For example, the full legal style of a peer named "Antony Stephen MacMillan" and titled "Viscount MacMillan of Kingston" would be The Right Honourable Antony Stephen, Viscount MacMillan of Kingston.  Note that his surname, MacMillan, does not follow his given names to read "Antony Stephen Macmillan, Viscount MacMillan...", but only features the once, as his title. 

A simpler example would be that of a peer whose title does not include his surname. Take, for example, an earl whose name is "Andrew Edward Carmichael" and whose title is "Earl of Arches." In full, he would be styled The Right Honourable Andrew Edward, Earl of Arches. His surname, "Carmichael," is omitted, entirely. 

Q: Does the name of the county in the style of a viscount or baron make up a part of his title?

A: No. It is part of his full legal style, but it is never a part of his title. A peer who is The Baron Montcalm of Choate in the County of Tallishire, for example, has, as his title, "Montcalm of Choate."

Q: Where is a subject's military rank listed in his full style?

A: It is listed first. For example:

Vice Admiral His Royal Highness the Duke of Willanchurch

Q: If the Prime Minister is a peer, should I still address him as "Prime Minister" or should I call him "Lord So-and-so" instead?

A: You should always address the Prime Minister as "Prime Minister," irrespective of anything else.

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