The Symbols and Anthems Act 2014 An ACT to define in Law various symbolic and representational elements of the Kingdom of Scone or to make provision in Law for the future designation of the same. May 31, 2014 WHEREAS His Majesty’s Government has deemed it proper and fitting to define in Law various of the symbolic elements of the Realm: Be it therefore enacted by the King’s Most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Burgesses in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows: 1.SHORT TITLE This Act may be cited for all purposes as “The Symbols and Anthems Act 2014.” 2. THE ARMS OF STATE OF THE KINGDOM OF SCONE Whereas it is in the tradition of kingdoms that the Arms of Dominion of the Sovereign serve to represent, by extension, the whole of the realm, therefore the same tradition shall obtain for the Kingdom of Scone. The Arms of Dominion of His Majesty King James, his heirs and successors, therefore, determined by His Majesty, his heirs and successors, blazoned, and proclaimed from time to time, shall serve as the Arms of State of the Kingdom of Scone. 3. THE VEXILLOLOGICAL SYMBOLS OF THE REALM The Royal Standard, following the colors and design of the Escutcheon of the Arms of Dominion of the Sovereign, shall not be used to represent the State, the Government, or the People of the Kingdom of Scone but the use of the same shall be exclusive to the Sovereign. Differentiations of the same may be granted by the Sovereign for the use of members of the Royal Family. A flag, the design of which is a royal blue symmetric cross on a white field (Argent, a cross azure), may be used to represent the People of the Kingdom of Scone and may be flown or displayed publicly by the Government or privately by corporate bodies and individual citizens. Other flags, ensigns, and standards representative of the branches of the uniformed services, of localities, or of other official persons or corporate entities within the Kingdom of Scone may be authorized from time to time by His Majesty in Council. 4. THE ROYAL ANTHEM “God Save the King/Queen,” according to the traditional tune, is designated as the Royal Anthem of the Kingdom of Scone. The lyrics of the Royal Anthem may be proposed or revised by His Majesty the King in Council from time to time as His Majesty in Council shall think fit, and all other uses of or restrictions concerning the same shall likewise be at the discretion of His Majesty in Council. 5. THE COLOURS OF THE REALM Blue and White, the colours of the flag as indicated in Section 3, are designated as the representative colours of the Kingdom of Scone. 6. THE BEAST OF THE REALM The White-Tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus) is designated as the representative beast of the Kingdom of Scone. 7. THE BIRD OF THE REALM The Osprey (Pandion haliaetus) is designated as the representative bird of the Kingdom of Scone. 8. THE FISH OF THE REALM The Brook Trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) is designated as the representative fish of the Kingdom of Scone. 9. THE FLORAL EMBLEM OF THE REALM The Red Poppy (Papaver rhoeas) is designated as the representative flower of the Kingdom of Scone. 10. THE TREE OF THE REALM The Black Maple (Acer nigrum) is designated as the representative tree of the Kingdom of Scone. 11. THE FRUIT OF THE REALM The Apple (Malus domestica) is designated as the representative fruit of the Kingdom of Scone. 12. THE DISH OF THE REALM “Sconnish Chicken” is designated as the representative dish of the Kingdom of Scone. 13. EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS ACT The provisions of this Act shall become effective upon receiving the Royal Assent.