WHEREAS, This Parliament on November 16th, 2015 passed a resolution creating Standing Orders for the dispatch of business. WHEREAS, Section X, Rule 1 of the Standing Orders allow for amendments to be made by passage of a resolution of the Parliament of the Kingdom of Scone. WHEREAS, it has become necessary for several amendments to be made to the Standing Orders to help secure the orderly dispatch of business. WHEREAS, a series of amendments to the Standing Orders have been proposed to by adopted by Parliament and affixed in the schedule hereto. Now therefore, be it RESOLVED, that this Parliament amends the Standing Orders of the Parliament of the Kingdom of Scone as laid out in the schedule hereto for this and all subsequent Parliaments with immediate effect. SCHEDULE:
1. AMENDMENTS TO THE STANDING ORDERS OF THE KINGDOM OF SCONE: Section II rule 5 is amended to read as follows. 5. In the event that no candidate receives a plurality of votes, the Election Moderator shall notify Parliament of this event. The Woolsack will then, no later than 24 hours after the announcement of this fact, repeat the election process as outlined above. During this second round of voting only those members who tied for the vote in the first round may put themselves forward for another ballot, meaning anyone without the tied amount of votes are unable to be nominated and no new candidates can be nominated. In the event a second ballot does not produce a plurality, a third ballot shall be taken with those same members.