[Passed on Unanimous Consent, 8th February 2021]
WHEREAS, The Earl of Bracebridge has passed on from this life to the next, WHEREAS, The Earl of Bracebridge faithfully served this Kingdom for several years as Lord Provost, along with many other offices; WHEREAS, The Earl of Bracebridge was instrumental in the early establishment of the Kingdom of Scone and the Kingdom of Hanover. Now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that this Parliament: 1. Expresses its sincere gratitude to The Earl of Bracebridge for his service to the Kingdom; 2. Expresses its admiration to the awesome impact of his life's dedication to freedom and democracy everywhere for everyone through his work as Florida Libertarian Party Chair, and through his championing of personal liberties within the Kingdom of Scone; 3. Expresses its greatest sympathies to the family of The Earl of Bracebridge for their loss; 4. Recommends to His Majesty the King that he establish a public holiday in memory of the Earl of Bracebridge.