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RESOLUTION Concerning Discord Use by Non-Citizens 2019

Writer's picture: ParliamentParliament

[Passed on Unanimous Consent: 8-0, 11th October, 2019]

A RESOLUTION Concerning Discord Use by Non-Citizens.

WHEREAS, the Prime Minister has recently created a Discord server for the Kingdom of Scone.

WHEREAS, the Prime Minister has stated it is his priority to increase a sense of community among the citizens of the Kingdom and provide greater opportunities for social interaction.

WHEREAS, Discord is an excellent forum for social interaction, but it has not yet been made clear how far the Kingdom would like to open its doors to non-citizens.

WHEREAS, opening up the Discord server to non-citizens may allow non-citizens to learn more about the Kingdom and potentially apply to become citizens.

WHEREAS, opening up the Discord server to non-citizens may also allow us opportunities to learn more about foreign ambassadors, Governments, and Heads of State and allow them to learn more about us and our Kingdom.

WHEREAS, this Parliament, made up of all the citizens of the Kingdom, is able to express its opinion on this matter.

Now therefore, be it RESOLVED, that this Parliament expresses it sense that:

(1) Certain channels of the Discord server should be made open to the public for anyone to join so long as they follow the laws of the Kingdom and conduct themselves in good conduct.

(2) The Government should submit legislation to Parliament to govern behavior on Discord servers.

(3) That the Government should allow non-citizens to join the Discord server forthwith.

(4) That the Government should be allowed to remove non-citizens who behave in a disruptive way counter to good order until such time as legislation governing behavior on Discord shall receive Royal Assent.

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