A BILL to cultivate and promote the micronation’s unique cultural identity and digital heritage through the creation of virtual spaces and online events.
BE IT ENACTED by the King’s Most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords and Burgesses in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:
This Act may be cited for all purposes as the "Virtual Cultural Heritage and Promotion Act 2024."
The purpose of this Act is to cultivate and promote the unique cultural identity and digital heritage of the Kingdom of Scone through the creation of virtual spaces and the organization of online events.
a. Development of Virtual Museums, Galleries, and Theaters:
• The Government shall support the development and maintenance of virtual museums, galleries, and theaters dedicated to showcasing the cultural and historical artifacts, artworks, and performances of the Kingdom of Scone.
• These virtual spaces shall be accessible to all citizens and visitors of the Kingdom, providing an immersive and educational experience of Sconnish culture and history.
b. Establishment of Annual Virtual Cultural Festivals:
• An annual virtual cultural festival shall be established to celebrate the diverse cultural heritage of the Kingdom of Scone.
• This festival shall feature various online events, including but not limited to, virtual exhibitions, performances, workshops, and lectures.
• The Royal Society of Scone shall be responsible for the organization and management of these festivals, ensuring a high standard of cultural representation and engagement.
c. Incentivizing Digital Art and Historical Projects:
• The Government shall incentivize the creation of digital art and historical projects through grants, awards, and other forms of recognition.
• These incentives shall be available to artists, historians, and cultural enthusiasts who contribute to the digital preservation and promotion of Sconnish heritage.
• The Royal Society of Scone shall establish guidelines for the application and selection process for these incentives, promoting transparency and fairness.
• The Royal Society of Scone shall be responsible for the implementation of the provisions of this Act.
• Parliament shall have oversight responsibility, ensuring that the objectives of this Act are being met effectively and efficiently.
• The Royal Society of Scone shall report annually to Parliament on the progress and impact of the virtual cultural initiatives established under this Act.
This legislation and all the provisions therein shall come into force upon receiving the Royal Assent.