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At the very center of Scone's constitutional sphere stands the Sovereign, who is the embodiment of the state in all its majesty and dignity. From the Crown, all the power and authority of the Realm emanates and by the Crown is that power and authority distributed among those whose charge it is to govern in His Majesty's name.

The Kingdom of Scone is a constitutional parliamentary monarchy according to the Westminster model seen throughout most of the English-speaking world. The King-in-Parliament is the most profound expression of the Sconnish State, and it is in and through Parliament that the Crown gives laws to the Sconnish people in the form of Acts of Parliament. 

In our system of government, the Monarch reigns alone, but rules in cooperation with his people in the democratic institution of Parliament. Parliament consists of three distinct components:

  • The Sovereign

  • The Peers of the Realm

  • The Burgesses (commoners)

Each of the three constituent elements of Parliament has a voice and a role in the governing of the Kingdom of Scone and in the making of her laws. 

According to the Charter of Scone Act, Parliament must sit at least once each calendar year. It is the Sovereign who opens and prorogues sessions of Parliament, or who dissolves Parliament on the advice of the Government. The State Opening of Parliament is the premier event of a Parliamentary session. On the occasion of the State Opening of Parliament, the King (or his representative) reads the Speech from the Throne.


At variance with the Westminster custom, the Throne Speech (also known as the "Gracious Speech" or the "King's Speech") is simply a personal greeting delivered by the monarch (or his representative) on the occasion of the opening of Parliament. The legislative programme of the Government is presented by the Prime Minister following the King's Speech. 

At the moment, all fully-initiated Sconnish subjects are entitled to a seat and voice in Parliament for as often as Parliament shall sit. In Parliament, the Peers and Burgesses gather to consider bills and other matters brought before the "common council" of the Realm. 

Bills passed during a session of Parliament are presented to the Sovereign at end of session for his Royal Assent. In another formal ceremony similar to the State Opening of Parliament, His Majesty (or his representative) signifies the royal approbation to each bill with the reading of the instrument granting the Royal Assent.  Once the Royal Assent has been given to a bill, it becomes an Act of Parliament. 

In addition to its legislative functions, the King-in-Parliament is the highest court of the Realm. Lords of Appeal in Ordinary, commonly referred to as "Law Lords," hear all cases appealed to the Appellate Committee of Parliament by lower Courts.



The day-to-day executive functions of the Realm are executed by the Privy Council on the advice of the Government of the day. His Majesty's Government is composed of the Prime Minister and other ministers (secretaries of state) appointed by the Sovereign, following an election. Orders-in-Council (executive orders) are issued by the Crown-in-Council as directed by the Prime Minister and the Cabinet. The Cabinet is the central committee of the Privy Council.


Membership of the Privy Council is both a tremendous honour and a grave responsibility, the duties of which must never be taken lightly. There can be no question at all of a Privy Counsellor's loyalty and devotion to the Sconnish Crown. 

Privy Counsellors are required, therefore, to subscribe to a very solemn affirmation before being admitted into the Council:


You do solemnly affirm that you will be a true and faithful Servant unto The King’s Majesty as one of His Majesty’s Privy Council. You will not know or understand of any manner of thing to be attempted, done, or spoken against His Majesty’s Person, Honour, Crown, or Dignity Royal, but you will lett and withstand the same to the uttermost of your power, and either cause it to be revealed to His Majesty, Himself, or to such of his Privy Council as shall advertise His Majesty of the same. You will in all things to be moved, treated, and debated in Council, faithfully and truly declare your Mind and Opinion, according to your Heart and Conscience; and will keep secret all matters committed and revealed unto you, or that shall be treated of secretly in Council. And if any of the said Treaties or Counsels shall touch any of the Counsellors you will not reveal it unto him but will keep the same until such time as, by the consent of His Majesty or of the Council, Publication shall be made thereof. You will to your uttermost bear Faith and Allegiance to the King’s Majesty; and will assist and defend all civil and temporal Jurisdictions, Pre-eminences, and Authorities, granted to His Majesty and annexed to the Crown by Acts of Parliament, or otherwise, against all Foreign Princes, Persons, Prelates, States, or Potentates. And generally in all things you will do as a faithful and true Servant ought to do to His Majesty.

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