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The Sovereign 


Royal Arms of the Kingdom of Scone

Royal Standard of the Kingdom of Scone

Our Reigning Sovereign: His Majesty King Erik II


The Sconnish Parliament, according to the laws of the Kingdom of Scone, unanimously proclaimed The Duke of Walsingham as the King of Scone on March 6, 2020. Following the abdication of Edward I and Erik’s service as Prime Minister.

His Majesty has taken on the regnal name of King Erik. He has taken this name out of respect for his father, Erik. The Morning of March 6, 2020, His Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council proclaimed His Majesty King Erik II as the undoubted Sovereign of the Kingdom of Scone.

His Majesty was coronated on May 17, 2020 and declared that his Royal House would be called, The Royal House of Walsingham. In July 0f 2020, His Majesty did name his husband, the Viscount Thurmont of Maryland, KC, Bt, His Royal Highness, the Prince-Consort.

Our Second King: His Majesty King Edward I


His Majesty King Edward I (now HRH the Duke of Montbarry) began his citizenship journey by carving out a niche for himself in the field of heraldry. He would eventually found and preside over the Sconnish College of Arms as Ilion King of Arms and later as Great Marshal of the Kingdom of Scone.  

Edward would eventually catch the notice of the Royal Court, finding himself invited by his predecessor, King James, to be initiated into the ranks of Sconnish royalty.  He and his colleague in the College of Arms, Sir. W. Moray, would both be tapped to join James in forming the Kingdom of Scone's first royal house, which would be christened the "House of Mountwelland." 


On 12 December 2017, Edward and Moray were formally cloaked in the royal purple by King James, who bestowed the dignity of Prince of the Kingdom of Scone upon both men. Edward became His Royal Highness The Prince Edward, Moray His Royal Highness The Prince Patrick. 


With an eye on the future of the Sconnish Monarchy and recognizing the need to designate an heir apparent, James decided to call upon Prince Edward to accept the honour and the burden of becoming the Kingdom of Scone's first Prince Royal (the title given to the Sconnish heir apparent). Edward pondered the invitation for some time before finally consenting to the King's proposal. 


On 13 April 2018, Prince Edward Patrick Theobald Louis Alexander Barry was solemnly invested as the first Prince Royal of the Kingdom of Scone, with right of immediate succession to the Sconnish Throne upon the death or abdication of the Sovereign. 


It was announced at the same time that King James had decided to declare himself lawfully indisposed to attend to the duties of the head of state for a time, and that the newly-elevated Prince Royal would soon, therefore, take on the role of the kingdom's Regent. 


As Regent of the Kingdom of Scone and of the Glennish Empire, Prince Edward exhibited a reassuring executive presence within the apparatus of the state. Parliament would be prorogued for its annual Summer recess, and a period of calm would follow.


As Prince Regent, Edward would establish the Noble Order of the Baronial Eagle, the first ever Crown honour instituted by a person other than the Sovereign. The remainder of the Regency found itself blessed by the quiet of Summer, with the Regent and King James consulting occasionally, the latter hoping to acquaint the Regent with the responsibilities of his role. 


The tranquility of the Summer months of 2018, as it happened, did not portend placid waters ahead for the Prince Regent. Soon, Edward would be summoned by history to assume his ultimate role as a Sconnishman. 


On 15 September 2018, His Majesty King James, in his first appearance since the beginning of the Regency, delivered a semi-public address to his Court. In the course of his remarks delivered via video presentation, the King announced his decision to inform his Government of his intention to abdicate the Glennish throne. 


Prince Edward had already known of the King's decision for some time, and was in receipt, by then, of the King's signed instrument of abdication. The Prince Regent, witnessing the instrument with his own signature, signed off on his own fate as well as that of King James. 

At the stroke of noon on 1 October 2018, Edward succeeded King James upon the Sconnish throne as the Kingdom of Scone's second monarch.

Across the Empire, Sconnishmen celebrated the dawn of the Sconnish Edwardian era, happy to have as their sovereign a man they had come to admire as their Regent. From the start, King Edward signified his commitment to the Empire and to the grand traditions of Sconnish chivalry. Among the first acts of Edward's reign was to establish a new honour styled the Order of the Glennish Empire.


After reigning for a year and a half, King Edward abdicated the throne and took on the title of His Royal Highness, the Duke of Montbarry.

Our First King: His Majesty King James


The Kingdom of Scone was conceived of and designed by our first monarch, King James, as early as the year 2008. His project, originally called "Sconeland," was a concept for an Anglophile kingdom with Celtic influences modeled after Great Britain. Events conspired to prevent the launch of the Sconeland project as an independent kingdom. Instead, it would find itself married to the miniature Kingdom of Hanover, a venture which James had launched earlier on, in 2002. 

Together, Hanover and the Sconnish project formed a polity styled "The Glennish Kingdoms of Hanover and Sconeland." Sconeland would eventually come into being as an independent miniature kingdom, however, on 1 March 2014 when the unified Glennish Kingdoms were dissolved. Sconeland was re-christened "The Kingdom of Scone," and James the concept designer became James the king. The Kingdom of Hanover would go her separate way.

King James' reign was necessarily a reign of firsts. He was ceremonially installed as first King of the Sconnish on 17 March 2014. His inaugural rites consisted of an auto-coronation followed by a Throne Speech opening the very first Sconnish Parliament. James authored the Charter of Scone, enacted by that first Parliament, and much of the early legislation to follow. King James directed the creation of the Kingdom of Scone's public infrastructure, establishing her social media. James also presided over the installation of the first Sconnish Government led by the first Sconnish Prime Minister (and first democratically-elected Sconnish public official), the Earl of Rockcliffe.


Scone's first king would go on to establish the Sconnish Peerage and the Sconnish Honours System, which included the Order of Scone, the Order of the Sconnish Poppy, the Order of the Imperial Star of Glennain, the King's Army, the Royal Navy, the rank of Sconnish Banneret, and the Hereditary Knight of Murchaidh. James would also lay the foundations of the Sconnish gentry by creating the ranks of Baronet and Laird. During the course of his inaugural reign, James published Honours Lists several times a year signifying his intention to decorate subjects and foreigners alike with the various honours which he had established.

In 2016, an unexpected twist of fate brought the miniature Kingdom of Hanover back into the possession of King James, her founder and first king. This peculiar circumstance proved one of the more colourful episodes of James' reign, and would curiously alter the definitions and titles of the Sconnish community going forward.

The Kingdom of Hanover would ultimately find herself divided in half by the terms of a treaty between James and a rival claimant to the Hanoverian throne. James's half of the old kingdom was ultimately re-christened "Glennish Hanover," since his was the half that was declared by the treaty to be the inheritor of all the traditional attributes of the now dissolved Glennish Kingdoms of Hanover and Sconeland.

For a short time, King James was the sovereign of two completely separate and independent kingdoms.  Although over Scone, James reigned as a constitutional figurehead, his authority over the Kingdom of Glennish Hanover was absolute. Glennish Hanover was eventually donated to the Kingdom of Scone by King James, then formally secured to the Sconnish Crown as a colonial dependency by an Act of Parliament. The Kingdom of Scone and the Colonial Province of Glennish Hanover, together, became known as "The Glennains" or the "Glennish Empire," thus accounting for the King of Scone's secondary title "Emperor of All the Glennains."

All-in-all, the Hanoverian episode and the effects of it constituted a quirky and sometimes inscrutable twist which causes confusion and head-scratching to the present day. In the Summer of 2016, King James invited Viscount Marly of Blaismont (today the Duke of Marly) to be installed as the first Royal Governor over the Colonial Province of Glennish Hanover. Today, Glennish Hanover provides a quaint colonial element within the Sconnish commonwealth for persons looking for a more relaxed and scaled-back version of the Kingdom of Scone.

In 2018, King James, together with then Prince Edward and then Prince Patrick, formed the first and current Royal House of the Kingdom of Scone, the House of Mountwelland. Prior to then, the Kingdom of Scone had suffered from the lack of a royal house, leaving the King to attempt to project the institution of the monarchy entirely on his own.


In his Speech from the Throne opening the 2017-2018 Parliament, James addressed the need for the establishment of a royal house, frankly confessing his struggles in attempting to be for the community the sole expression of Sconnish royalty. Edward and Patrick had been recruited to assist the King in carrying the royal burden, and Parliament was asked to be understanding of James' need for support and assistance from others in the execution of his royal duties.

In 2018, James would ensure a smooth transition from his reign to the next by installing Prince Edward as his heir-apparent with the title of Prince Royal. James was relieved to know that the Mountwelland succession to the throne had been secured, and was happy to observe that the new Prince Royal enjoyed the respect and support of the overwhelming majority of his people.

On 13 April 2018, King James informed Parliament that he would be indisposed to attend to his duties as Sovereign for a time, beginning 21 May 2018. From that date forward, therefore, the Kingdom of Scone experienced a Regency, with Prince Edward acting in James' place as head of state. As it happened, the initiation of a Regency would be James' last official act as Sovereign.

On 15 September 2018, King James delivered an address to the Court at St Ives' declaring his intention to depart the throne in favour of the Prince Regent. James intimated to his successor that he believed he had "exhausted the topic" of his hopes and aspirations for the Kingdom of Scone, determining that the time had come for him to step aside.

James, King of the Sconnish and Emperor of All the Glennains formally abdicated on 1 October 2018, ending his brief reign of only four years and seven months.

Today, King James remains a member of the House of Mountwelland and a Sconnishman, but has resolved to abide in virtual seclusion for the remainder of his post-regnal years. The founding member of the Ancient and Venerable Order of Huntsmen, James continues to preside over the Grand Lodge of Tartannac, holding the title of Grand Huntsman.

The 51-year-old founding monarch of the Kingdom of Scone returned to the Sconnish community today following an absence of nearly four years. James abdicated the Sconnish throne in October of 2018.

Following a series of diplomatic discussions with His Majesty The King over several months in 2022, King James consented to repatriate himself within the Sconnish polity at the rank of prince of the Glennish Empire, a new title devised by the Crown for the use of former Glennish sovereigns.

Reciprocally, James, as the currently reigning sovereign of Great Hanover, bestowed the old Hanoverian title of Prince of Emden upon His Majesty King Erik II in April 2022.

After completing an application for Sconnish citizenship this morning, James was subsequently summoned to Parliament to subscribe to the affirmation of loyalty in the presence of the lord chancellor.

As a Sconnish subject, James is formally styled "His Imperial Highness The Prince James". Prince James has pledged to assist His Majesty The King with various ceremonial tasks and other projects with the objective of expanding the projection of the institution of the monarchy throughout the Glennish Empire.

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