The Enrollments Act 2014 An ACT to make provision in Law with respect to the legal enrollment of the current and future Citizens of the Kingdom of Scone. 21st May 2014 WHEREAS according to the provisions of an Act of Parliament the short title of which is the Charter of Scone Act 2014, the Kingdom of Scone was divided into five counties for the better and more efficient administration of the Realm: WHEREAS His Majesty’s Government is sensible of a need for the proper and lawful enrollment of citizens present and to come such that all of His Majesty’s subjects are both universally enrolled and locally registered: Be it therefore enacted by the King’s Most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Burgesses in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows: 1.SHORT TITLE This Act may be cited for all purposes as “The Enrollments Act 2014.” 2. CENSUS AND ENROLLMENT OF ALL CURRENT CITIZENS His Majesty’s Government shall be empowered to conduct a census of all those persons who have subscribed or who shall have subscribed to the Affirmation of Loyalty to His Majesty the King by the date of enactment of this Bill, according to any means deemed expedient by His Majesty’s Secretary of State for the Home Department in consultation with the Prime Minister. 3. THE NATURE OF THE CENSUS The census to be conducted by His Majesty’s Government shall consist of a series questions posed to His Majesty’s subjects such as may be deemed relevant and useful by the Home Office, which shall at the least make enquiries as to a citizen’s name, gender, interests, and expectations with respect to his or her Sconnish experience. The questions devised by the Home Office to appear on the census must clearly differentiate between mandatory questions and optional questions such that citizens may easily see which questions they must answer and which questions they may elect not to answer. The Prime Minister shall make the final determination as to which questions appearing on the census are to be designated as mandatory and which are to be designated as optional. The Home Office shall provide a deadline by which citizens must respond to the census. 4. RESPECTING THE PRIVACY OF CITIZENS The census may ask but may not compel citizens to answer questions which may be regarded as invasive of privacy, such as questions concerning a citizen’s address, marital status, race, sexual orientation, health, employment, education, religious affiliation, political principles, and so forth, limiting mandatory questions to matters relevant to Sconnish citizenship enrollment. In no wise shall His Majesty’s Government be permitted under any circumstances to publish or otherwise publicly reveal the answers which a citizen has provided vis-à-vis the census. 5. THE ENROLLMENT OF CITIZENS Following the administration of the census, the Home Office shall create a Roll of Citizens upon which all persons responding to the census shall be enrolled. The Roll of Citizens shall be divided into five sections, one for each of the five county administrative divisions, and each responding citizen shall be enrolled as a citizen and registered as a “resident” of one of the five Sconnish counties. The Roll of Citizens, consisting of a subject’s name and county of residency, only, shall be permanently published in some conspicuous place visible to all Sconnish citizens, yet invisible to the general public (such as, for example, in a closed Facebook group). 6. UNRESPONSIVE CITIZENS The Home Office, when conducting the census, will take care to sufficiently advertise all citizens of the same and of the deadline by which the census must be responded to. A citizen who has failed to respond to the census by the deadline mandated by the Home Office shall be subject to the nullification of his or her citizenship, at the discretion of the Prime Minister in consultation with the Sovereign (or in the absence of His Majesty, a Counsellor of State). 7. CONSCIENTIOUS OBJECTIONS TO THE MANDATORY QUESTIONS POSED BY THE CENSUS A letter of protest by which a citizen offers a conscientious objection to the completion of a census form shall be regarded as a response to the census (not a failure to respond) and a citizen who submits such a letter by the time of the Home Office deadline shall be enrolled. 8. ENROLLMENT OF FUTURE CITIZENS From the date of enactment of this Bill, prospective citizens shall apply for citizenship vis-à-vis the Home Office according to a simple process which the Home Office shall therefore devise. Upon the approval of his or her citizenship application by the Home Office, a citizenship applicant shall be classified as a “Ward in Chancery” during the period of his or her probation, which status shall afford an applicant access to all closed public groups and forums operated by the Kingdom of Scone. The period of probation of a Ward in Chancery shall be of a duration no shorter than two one weeks and no longer than one month two weeks, at the discretion of the Lord Chancellor who shall, in consultation with the Prime Minister, determine the duration on a case-by-case basis. At the end of his or her probationary period, the Lord Chancellor or any of His Majesty’s Ministers designated as a Minister Plenipotentiary may administer the Affirmation of Loyalty to a Ward in Chancery, who, upon subscription to the Affirmation, shall become a lawful and fully-initiated Sconnish citizen and subject of His Majesty. Having subscribed to the Affirmation of Loyalty, a new citizen will be enrolled per Section 5, above. 9. ASSIGNING CITIZENS TO COUNTIES Excepting those cases whereby the Sovereign, prior to the enactment of this legislation, has clearly placed a peer in one or other of the five Sconnish counties, citizens shall be assigned to counties in each and every case by the Home Office, which will take care to populate the counties as evenly and as equably as possible. The Home Office will register peers whose titles attach them to one county or another in the county to which their titles attach them unless otherwise indicated by the Crown. 10. EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS ACT The provisions of this Bill shall become effective upon receiving the Royal Assent.