WHEREAS, This Parliament on November 16th, 2015 passed a resolution creating Standing Orders for the dispatch of business.
WHEREAS, Section X, Rule 1 of the Standing Orders allow for amendments to be made by passage of a resolution of the Parliament of the Kingdom of Scone.
WHEREAS, it has become necessary for an amendment to be made to the Standing Orders to ensure the voice of the people is heard earnestly without pressure on matters of No Confidence in His Majesty’s Government.
WHEREAS, an amendment to the Standing Orders has been proposed to be adopted by Parliament and affixed in the schedule hereto.
Now therefore, be it RESOLVED, that this Parliament amends the Standing Orders of the Parliament of the Kingdom of Scone as laid out in the schedule hereto for this and all subsequent Parliaments with immediate effect.
Section V of the Standing Orders of the Parliament of the Kingdom is Scone is amended to add a new rule 9 that reads as follows:
9. Voting for Motions of No Confidence in His Majesty’s Government shall be done by secret ballot. If the mover of the motion and the Prime Minister agree to allow the Lord Chancellor or other moderator of Parliament to receive and record the votes, that person shall receive and announce the vote totals as outlined above. If they are unable to agree, the previous election moderator, or otherwise His Majesty the King or his designee, shall effectuate voting by OpaVote with links sent out only to members who have taken the Affirmation during the last Parliament or who take the Affirmation while voting is open and shall report the vote totals to Parliament following the close of the vote.